Liability Release
Understanding that any physical activity involves the risk of increased heart rate, injury and/or death, I understand that my participation in programs with Rocky Mountain Ascent (RMA) is entirely voluntary. I understand that RMA does programs indoors as well as in outdoor settings. During events held outdoors I will be in an environment with natural occurrences and results such as sudden weather changes, insects, animals, uneven and wet ground conditions. I understand it is my responsibility to inform RMA staff of any, and all physical limitations, liabilities or injuries I possess, including, but not limited to neck, back, and heart problems, recent surgeries or pregnancy. My family and I release Rocky Mountain Ascent, its board, mentors and other agents from any claims or liability arising out of my participation in any activities to include but not limited to: rock climbing, kayaking, horseback riding, fishing, canoeing, hiking, mountaineering, swimming, inner tubing, archery, riflery, camp fires, white water rafting and high ropes challenge course. This waiver, release and discharge from liability include releasing said Entity and persons from liability for its or their own negligence. I indemnify and hold harmless Rocky Mountain Ascent and the persons mentioned above from any and all liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of any of my actions during the event.
Consent for Medical Treatment
Signature of participant and/or parent or legal guardian indicates an understanding of the above information and a release to treat, in the event of a medical emergency.
Consent to Transport
Signature of participant and/or parent or legal guardian indicates release to transport participant to and from camp activities in accordance with the transportation guidelines established by Rocky Mountain Ascent as published in the operating procedures guide.
Photo Release
Signature of participant and/or parent or legal guardian authorizes the use and reproduction by Rocky Mountain Ascent, of any photographs, videotape and sound recordings taken of them during this program for media and marketing use.
Consent to Contact/Communicate
I hereby authorize the Rocky Mountain Ascent Staff to communicate with my camper. The best method of communication is: (Leave blank if you do not consent to staff communicating directly with your camper).